Financial and Business Services and Development in the 21st Century

Financial and business services (FABS), including law, accounting, and business consulting, have been one of the most dynamic sectors of the world economy, with a fivefold rise in real value added since 1980. Although FABS are central to the processes of globalisation, financialisation, urbanisation and development, our understanding of the sector in the context of tumultuous changes of the early 21st century is partial. How have the FABS firms and centres been affected by the global financial crisis and the Eurozone crisis? How are they changing in response to new financial regulation, the expected shift of economic activity to the Asia-Pacific region, and the digital revolution? What are the impacts of FABS on urban, regional, and global development? The project offers groundbreaking frontier research to better understand the nature and dynamics of FABS, and their implications.

The project covers over 20 established and emerging financial centres spanning six continents. Follow us on Instagram to see some of the places we research.
